Thursday 28 January 2010

Fault Queue

If you know me you’ll know, despite internal ragings, I have the patience of a saint. I haven’t given it back yet because he hasn’t asked for it, but none the less, I have their patience. So perhaps this is why what I am about to relate to you happens to me with alarming frequency.

I’ve noticed it happen a lot lately. It happens in a variety of places be it in shops, offices or on the street. It doesn’t appear to happen to anyone else but I’m sure it does. What is it? Well, it hasn’t got a name. It is more of an occurrence than a thing.

Let’s say I’m queuing for a cup of coffee. There are 4 people in front of me. Each of the 4 get served speedily and without issue. But then it's my turn.

Stegzy- Hello please may I ha....
Barista #1 - Oh sorry love hang on
Barista #2 - 'ere Barista #1, was it beans on the jacket potato or was it tuna?
Barista #1 - Oh you daft bugger, it was tuna and gravy with meaty chunks, did you get the gravel out of the fridge?
Barista #2 - No but I left the intricate lace work doillies in the sink
Barista #1 -moving away from the counter to go behind the scenes won't be a minute love
An age passes
Barista #1 - Sorry love what was it?
Stegzy - Please may I have a coffee?
Barista #1 - yes hang on
Barista #1 goes through motions of making coffee
Barista #2 comes out from back room
Barista #2 - I can't find the Rabbit and beef in jelly
Barista #1 - They're under the sink
Barista #2 - Can you show me?
Exunt Barista #1 & Barista #2
Two minutes pass
Barista #1 returning from back room Sorry love, what was it?
Stegzy - I've forgotten

The same happens in shops, petrol stations and bars. Different staff. Totally unrelated incidents. Similar events. What's worse is, while all this is going on there is a queue of people growing behind me tutting and sighing at me. As if it is MY fault. Of course, long term Livejournal Flisters will know that it is, of course, my fault. Everything is my fault. Germany invading Poland? That was me. Twin towers? Me too. Krakatoa? fault.

Anyway, as if this wasn't some sort of global shop keeping conspiracy, the same happens when I'm driving. I'll queue at a give way sign. The cars in front have no problem getting out of the junction. Some go straight out. But when it gets to me, it's like all the travellers in the world have to use that road. Worse, some don't use their indicators. Or when one direction clears, everyone coming from the other direction decides they want to come past or turn right into the road I'm turning right out of.

Then, there's the drivers that go reeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow. They pull out in front of you from some give way junction because they are clearly in a hurry, but then proceed to stick to 20 mph when you can't over take them, and when it's over take time, the fuckers speed up....I mean what's going on there?!

It's hard not to think it is just me. It's harder not to think that this is all some sort of conspiracy against me. So because of this difficulty....that is what it must be. It is a global conspiracy. Against me. A global penance for everything being MY fault.

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