Saturday 15 November 2014

Beyond the Veil – Tristania (183)

Beyond the Veil – Tristania Beyond the Veil - Tristania

A prime example of why it is a bad idea to download or buy an album purely because you like one song from it.

Norwegian hair metal. With choirs, ladies with large breasts and death growls.

Great if you’re a teenager.

Not so impressive if you’re a respectable 40 something.

Filed under: Music Project

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Beyond Sanctorum – Therion (#180)

Beyond Sanctorum - TherionBeyond Sanctorum – Therion

More from the Euro Metal band with it’s own choir. Only this album is before the choir.

Death growls, grunting and incoherent bollocks. Why do people like this stuff? Do they give themselves sore throats singing along? Or do they sound like they’re having some sort of fit when they’re singing to themselves?


Filed under: Therion Tagged: beyond sanctorum, bollocks, therion

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Between Darkness and Wonder – Lamb (#179)

Between Darkness and Wonder - Lamb Between Darkness and Wonder – Lamb

Hipster friends are always telling me I should like Lamb. I usually retort with some predictable comment about enjoying dinners on a Sunday with mint sauce or kebabs from the chip shop on the way home.

This album was an attempt to “like” Lamb. I tried. I gave them a go. Really. When I mentioned that I had tried Lamb in the form of Between Darkness and Wonder, predictably the Hipster said “Yeah but it’s not their best album”.

Thing is, it never is.

Filed under: Lamb Tagged: Between Darkness and Wonder, hipsters, Lamb