Sunday, 17 November 2019

The short, sad life cycle of overpriced High Street clothing boutiques run by upper class women blowing their inheritance

You know the places. They have names like 'Honeysuckle' or 'Karen Elizabeth', just a few racks on the walls and then a table in the middle for cashmere jumpers, and are always completely empty except for a forlorn looking person at the till, which only makes people less likely to go in because they know they'll have to make sad, awkward eye contact on the way in and say "thanks" as they walk out again without buying anything because it's all heinously expensive.

Lost count of how many of these places I've seen open up and get shuttered again within a year.

I can only imagine the start-up money for them must come from inheritance because I can't imagine any bank handing out a business loan to someone whose business plan is pay rent on a high street retail property and then try and persuade people to pay £40 for a scarf.

Submitted November 17, 2019 at 10:06AM by Jupiter175

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