Monday, 17 December 2018
Sunday, 16 December 2018
Monday, 10 December 2018
Saturday, 8 December 2018
Sunday, 25 November 2018
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Monday, 5 November 2018
Friday, 2 November 2018
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Signs and Symbols♡.

These bright and colorful idiom posters are a great tool to help you teach figurative language to your students.

herbs and spices

Learn about punctiation the easy way. With an infograph of course :-)

I like this *very* much :P (I'm a lifelong offender when it comes to the word very, but I've made a serious effort to trim it out of my writing and my stash of verbal baggage.)

Modal Verbs to improve your English Grammar skills. Click the link below to learn how to use modal verbs in English

Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate : slowcooking
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate : slowcooking
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate
Add everything to the slow cooker, stir. Cover and cook on HIGH for 2.5 hours. Stirring occasionally. Serve topped with whipped cream or marshmallows. Notes- If you can't find pumpkin pie spice I would personally start with 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of nutmeg and a dash of cloves.
via Pocket
October 16, 2018 at 06:11AM
Tags: reddit, slowcooking
October 16, 2018 at 06:15AM
Sunday, 14 October 2018
Instant pot chicken corn chowder : instantpot
Instant pot chicken corn chowder : instantpot
Instant pot chicken corn chowder
1Posted by5 minutes ago
via Pocket
October 14, 2018 at 07:51AM
Tags: reddit, instantpot
October 14, 2018 at 07:55AM
Friday, 12 October 2018
Tarte Trop��zienne (Custard Brioche Tart) - Mon Petit Four
Tarte Tropézienne (Custard Brioche Tart) - Mon Petit Four
Tarte Tropézienne (Custard Brioche Tart)
I was at dinner with some family friends the other night, doing what we do best, eating and talking about food, when one of them brought up the topic of custard desserts. She described how she loved custard in desserts like éclairs rather than tarts.
via Pocket
October 12, 2018 at 11:07PM
Tags: recipes
October 12, 2018 at 11:08PM

Pudsey father and son drowned 'treasure hunting' in Huddersfield canal - BBC News
Pudsey father and son drowned 'treasure hunting' in Huddersfield canal - BBC News
Pudsey father and son drowned 'treasure hunting' in Huddersfield canal
Martin Andrews, 43, and his son Jack, 19, died while magnet fishing in a Huddersfield canal on 16 June. They were found "vertically submerged" close to each other by police divers, Bradford Coroner's Court was told.
via Pocket
October 12, 2018 at 07:09AM
Tags: canal pusher
October 12, 2018 at 07:13AM
Savory Thai Coconut Grilled Chicken -- That You Can Make At Home : GifRecipes
Savory Thai Coconut Grilled Chicken -- That You Can Make At Home : GifRecipes
Savory Thai Coconut Grilled Chicken -- That You Can Make At Home
LOL @ the peanut sauce. That's what I was thinking. "There is no fucking way you get this smooth with that little spoon."
via Pocket
October 12, 2018 at 06:09AM
Tags: reddit, gifrecipes
October 12, 2018 at 06:13AM
Facebook Isn���t Sorry ��� It Just Wants Your Data
Facebook Isn’t Sorry — It Just Wants Your Data
Facebook Isn’t Sorry — It Just Wants Your Data
Facebook knows us well enough to know the truth: We don’t care enough about our privacy to stop using it.
via Pocket
October 12, 2018 at 06:07AM
October 12, 2018 at 06:08AM
Saturday, 6 October 2018
I made this meditation infographic based on an excerpt from The Mind Illuminated. : Meditation
I made this meditation infographic based on an excerpt from The Mind Illuminated. : Meditation
I made this meditation infographic based on an excerpt from The Mind Illuminated.
Please keep the discussion clean and neutral. If you are part of a particular school of Meditation/Yoga then please disclose this and keep an open mind - there exist many forms of meditation, and experience of Truth is subjective by definition.
via Pocket
October 06, 2018 at 06:35AM
Tags: reddit, meditation
October 06, 2018 at 06:39AM
Friday, 5 October 2018
Dolsot Bibimbap - My Korean Kitchen
Dolsot Bibimbap - My Korean Kitchen
Dolsot Bibimbap
Learn how to make dolsot bibimbap with or without a Korean stone bowl! I’m very excited about sharing my recipe today. It’s a dolsot bibimbap day!
via Pocket
October 05, 2018 at 10:30PM
Tags: recipes
October 05, 2018 at 11:44PM
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Korean Beef Sloppy Joes made with sweet and spicy flavors with a punch of garlic that's a fun change from the classic sloppy joes. | #sloppyjoes #koreanbeef #groundbeef #sandwiches #dinnerthendessert #kidfriendly #asianrecipes

How to improve your writing and vocabulary, take out the very, improve your adjectives.

Sunday, 30 September 2018
Social media guidelines for young people to be drawn up - BBC News
Social media guidelines for young people to be drawn up - BBC News
Social media guidelines for young people to be drawn up
Medical experts have been told to draw up advice on the maximum amount of time young people should spend on social media, the health secretary has said. In an interview with the Observer, father-of-three Matt Hancock said he was "very worried" about the impact on children's mental health.
via Pocket
September 30, 2018 at 08:47AM
Tags: internet evolution, moral panic, social media menace, internet regulation, socia media evolution, #deletefacebook, internet history, social media evolution, anti-social media
September 30, 2018 at 08:50AM
Saturday, 29 September 2018
US mid-terms: Hackers expose 'staggering' voter machine flaws - BBC News
US mid-terms: Hackers expose 'staggering' voter machine flaws - BBC News
US mid-terms: Hackers expose 'staggering' voter machine flaws
Voting machines pose "serious risks" to US security, hackers are warning. One ballot machine, used in 23 US states, carries a cybersecurity flaw that was reported over a decade ago, the hackers claim.
via Pocket
September 29, 2018 at 09:24AM
September 29, 2018 at 09:25AM
Train operators of Reddit, what's the strangest/creepiest thing you've seen on the tracks? : AskReddit
Train operators of Reddit, what's the strangest/creepiest thing you've seen on the tracks? : AskReddit
Train operators of Reddit, what's the strangest/creepiest thing you've seen on the tracks?
Not an engineer, but worked at a bowling alley that the tracks through town ran directly behind. One of my nightly jobs was emptying trash. (The dumpster was right across from the tracks. Started hearing the train coming, and the engineer was on the horn.
via Pocket
September 29, 2018 at 07:57AM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 29, 2018 at 08:00AM
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
What was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that���s ever happened to you? : AskReddit
What was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that’s ever happened to you? : AskReddit
What was the creepiest or most paranormal thing that’s ever happened to you?
My brother and I were home alone one night watching tv. My mother was working a night shift and father was out. Father came home and pushed he door ajar and poked his head through to say hello, we both turn around and say hello back, father closed door.
via Pocket
September 26, 2018 at 07:10PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 26, 2018 at 08:13PM
How the Rich Get Richer (2017) - Well made documentary explains how the game is rigged. [42:24] [CC] : Documentaries
How the Rich Get Richer (2017) - Well made documentary explains how the game is rigged. [42:24] [CC] : Documentaries
How the Rich Get Richer (2017) - Well made documentary explains how the game is rigged. [42:24] [CC]
It's not really rigged. That's just capitalism. If the game is resource based, then every resource I have is one you don't have. That means the more I win, the more advantage I have and the less you have.
via Pocket
September 26, 2018 at 07:45AM
Tags: reddit, documentaries
September 26, 2018 at 07:48AM
Oh shit! : instant_regret
Oh shit! : instant_regret
Oh shit!
Fackin cats. Eat that stuff up and not even do anything with it! They just like making the mess! Deconstruction is a popular form of artistic expression among cats.
via Pocket
September 26, 2018 at 07:10AM
Tags: reddit, instant_regret
September 26, 2018 at 07:13AM
Friday, 21 September 2018
What are some top notch podcasts you listen to on your commute? : CasualUK
What are some top notch podcasts you listen to on your commute? : CasualUK
What are some top notch podcasts you listen to on your commute?
Looking for some insightful thought provoking or funny podcasts. I have no idea what to give a shot at. PETER YOU CREEPY FUCKIN CLOWN I LIKE MY EGGS FUUUUUUUUUUCKIN RUNNY.
via Pocket
September 21, 2018 at 09:00AM
Tags: reddit, casualuk
September 21, 2018 at 09:15AM
Internet regulator considered for UK - BBC News
Internet regulator considered for UK - BBC News
Internet regulator considered for UK
The UK government is considering "all options", including a regulator, as part of new legislation governing the internet. It has previously said it will publish a White Paper in the coming months, laying out its proposals.
via Pocket
September 21, 2018 at 07:14AM
Tags: internet evolution, social media regulation, internet regulation, regulation, social media evolution
September 21, 2018 at 07:40AM
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
reddit: the front page of the internet

People who no longer speak to their best friends who they thought would be in their lives forever, why did you stop talking/being best friends? : AskReddit
People who no longer speak to their best friends who they thought would be in their lives forever, why did you stop talking/being best friends? : AskReddit
People who no longer speak to their best friends who they thought would be in their lives forever, why did you stop talking/being best friends?
He was one of my best friends from 7th grade until about Senior Year of college. I've told this story before so I just copy and pasted it: We will call him Scott in this story. He had weight, hygiene issues but was overall a pretty fun dude.
via Pocket
September 19, 2018 at 10:07AM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 19, 2018 at 10:10AM
Monday, 17 September 2018
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
[Serious] You're given the opportunity to perform any experiment, regardless of ethical, legal, or financial barriers. Which experiment do you choose, and what do you think you'd find out? : AskReddit
[Serious] You're given the opportunity to perform any experiment, regardless of ethical, legal, or financial barriers. Which experiment do you choose, and what do you think you'd find out? : AskReddit
r/AskReddit - [Serious] You're given the opportunity to perform any experiment, regardless of ethical, legal, or financial barriers. Which experiment do you choose, and what do you think you'd find out?
Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies.
via Pocket
September 12, 2018 at 09:51AM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 12, 2018 at 09:51AM
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Week 35: Canadian - Nanaimo Bars : 52weeksofcooking
Week 35: Canadian - Nanaimo Bars : 52weeksofcooking
Week 35: Canadian - Nanaimo Bars
I had planned on making my own cheese curds and gravy and making poutine, but I'm still not on top form from last week. So instead I used up a ton of ingredients that had been languishing in my cupboard to make these. I used the recipe from the Nanaimo site and it was really good!
via Pocket
September 11, 2018 at 07:51AM
Tags: reddit, 52weeksofcooking
September 11, 2018 at 08:02AM
Monday, 10 September 2018
Simone Giertz, the Queen of shitty robots : interestingasfuck
Simone Giertz, the Queen of shitty robots : interestingasfuck
Simone Giertz, the Queen of shitty robots
28193% Upvoted
via Pocket
September 10, 2018 at 01:54PM
Tags: reddit, interestingasfuck
September 10, 2018 at 01:56PM
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Meat testing: A fifth of samples reveal unspecified animals' DNA - BBC News
Meat testing: A fifth of samples reveal unspecified animals' DNA - BBC News
Meat testing: A fifth of samples reveal unspecified animals' DNA
More than a fifth of meat sample tests in 2017 found DNA from animals not on the labelling, the BBC has learned. Out of 665 results from England, Wales and Northern Ireland collected by the Food Standards Agency, 145 were partly or wholly made up of unspecified meat.
via Pocket
September 09, 2018 at 09:47AM
September 09, 2018 at 10:07AM
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
What common item has a feature that most people do not know? : AskReddit
What common item has a feature that most people do not know? : AskReddit
What common item has a feature that most people do not know?
Your phones gps works without a signal, as long as you've downloaded the maps you are good. To add to this you can download offline maps on Google maps.
via Pocket
September 03, 2018 at 11:25PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 04, 2018 at 12:01AM
Monday, 3 September 2018
[Serious] Whats the creepiest/scariest thing that you've seen but no one believes you? : AskReddit
[Serious] Whats the creepiest/scariest thing that you've seen but no one believes you? : AskReddit
[Serious] Whats the creepiest/scariest thing that you've seen but no one believes you?
Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies.
via Pocket
September 03, 2018 at 01:25PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
September 03, 2018 at 01:46PM
Saturday, 1 September 2018
History's Worst Non-Water Floods : videos
History's Worst Non-Water Floods : videos
History's Worst Non-Water Floods
via Pocket
September 01, 2018 at 11:23AM
Tags: reddit, videos
September 01, 2018 at 11:46AM
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet : AntiFacebook
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet : AntiFacebook
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet
Read about the saga of Facebook's failures in ensuring privacy for user data, including how it relates to Cambridge Analytica, the GDPR, the Brexit campaign, and the 2016 US presidential election. What are Facebook "shadow profiles?
via Pocket
September 01, 2018 at 07:38AM
Tags: reddit, antifacebook
September 01, 2018 at 07:41AM
Friday, 31 August 2018
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet - TechRepublic
Facebook data privacy scandal: A cheat sheet
A decade of apparent indifference for data privacy at Facebook has culminated in revelations that organizations harvested user data for targeted advertising, particularly political advertising, to apparent success.
via Pocket
August 31, 2018 at 07:05PM
August 31, 2018 at 08:00PM
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Trump warns Google, Facebook and Twitter in row over bias - BBC News
Trump warns Google, Facebook and Twitter in row over bias - BBC News
Trump attacks 'left-wing' Google search results
President Donald Trump has accused Google of rigging the search results for the phrase "Trump news". In a tweet, he accused the technology giant of prioritising negative news stories from what he described as the "national left-wing media".
via Pocket
August 29, 2018 at 06:11AM
Tags: internet evolution, social media regulation, internet regulation
August 29, 2018 at 06:15AM
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
What���s the weirdest unsolved mystery? : AskReddit
What’s the weirdest unsolved mystery? : AskReddit
What’s the weirdest unsolved mystery?
The Overtoun Bridge, near Dumbarton, seems to call dogs to leap to their death. A perfect spot for unsolved mysteries.
via Pocket
August 28, 2018 at 07:16AM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
August 28, 2018 at 07:53AM
Monday, 27 August 2018
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
I am making a mess of a major negotiation and I'm worried I might lose my job. Can any of you give advice please? : unitedkingdom
I am making a mess of a major negotiation and I'm worried I might lose my job. Can any of you give advice please? : unitedkingdom
reddit: the front page of the internet
via Pocket
August 15, 2018 at 11:00PM
Tags: reddit, unitedkingdom
August 15, 2018 at 11:04PM
Recipe for Chicken Biryani
Recipe for Chicken Biryani
Recipe for Chicken Biryani
1. Gently heat the oil in the pan and add the garlic, ginger, chillies with the bay leaves and cassia and cook until garlic is golden. 2. Add the onion and pepper with a pinch of salt and gently cook until soft.
via Pocket
August 15, 2018 at 11:59AM
Tags: recipes
August 15, 2018 at 12:29PM
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
We are Chapman and Maclain Way, directors of Netflix's new documentary series, WILD WILD COUNTRY. AMA! : IAmA
We are Chapman and Maclain Way, directors of Netflix's new documentary series, WILD WILD COUNTRY. AMA! : IAmA
We are Chapman and Maclain Way, directors of Netflix's new documentary series, WILD WILD COUNTRY. AMA!
Hi Reddit! We are Chapman and Maclain Way, doc filmmakers, brothers, and taco bell aficionados.
via Pocket
August 14, 2018 at 09:10PM
Tags: reddit, iama
August 14, 2018 at 09:14PM
Just finished watching Wild Wild Country about the Rajneesh Following on Netflix. It was great. What are some other great documentaries/docseries about cults? : cults
Just finished watching Wild Wild Country about the Rajneesh Following on Netflix. It was great. What are some other great documentaries/docseries about cults? : cults
Just a word to the wise:one man's cult is another man's world-saving organization.
via Pocket
August 14, 2018 at 09:10PM
Tags: reddit, cults
August 14, 2018 at 09:14PM
I don't know what to think : Weird
I don't know what to think : Weird
I don't know what to think
via Pocket
August 14, 2018 at 01:59PM
Tags: reddit, weird
August 14, 2018 at 02:29PM
Saturday, 11 August 2018
What���s one piece of Reddit folklore that every user should know about? : AskReddit
What’s one piece of Reddit folklore that every user should know about? : AskReddit
What’s one piece of Reddit folklore that every user should know about?
To read list! Thanks Ask a rapist? I don't even know what to say
via Pocket
August 11, 2018 at 10:39PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
August 11, 2018 at 10:41PM
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Bottled Water - the facts
Bottled Water - the facts
Should we be using bottled water?
Some good reasons for drinking water from a water fountain and a refillable sports bottle instead of buying bottled water! .... If you are interested in this free service please contact us for an informal chat or to arrange a visit. (Offer available to businesses in the East Midlands.
via Pocket
August 08, 2018 at 08:36PM
Tags: bottled water, environment
August 08, 2018 at 08:38PM
Plastic Water Bottle Pollution [Infographic]: Facts & Effects
Plastic Water Bottle Pollution [Infographic]: Facts & Effects
Stop Polluting the Planet with Disposable Plastic Water Bottles
Disposable plastic water bottles are a convenient way to stay hydrated, but they have major consequences on the health of our planet—not to mention the people who drink from them.
via Pocket
August 08, 2018 at 08:34PM
Tags: bottled water, environment
August 08, 2018 at 08:38PM
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
[Serious]Eerie Towns, Disappearing Diners, and Creepy Gas Stations....What's Your True, Unexplained Story of Being in a Place That Shouldn't Exist? : AskReddit
[Serious]Eerie Towns, Disappearing Diners, and Creepy Gas Stations....What's Your True, Unexplained Story of Being in a Place That Shouldn't Exist? : AskReddit
[Serious]Eerie Towns, Disappearing Diners, and Creepy Gas Stations....What's Your True, Unexplained Story of Being in a Place That Shouldn't Exist?
Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies.
via Pocket
August 07, 2018 at 11:11PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
August 07, 2018 at 11:13PM
Instant Pot Mongolian Beef - Sweet and Savory Meals
Instant Pot Mongolian Beef - Sweet and Savory Meals
Instant Pot Mongolian Beef
This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure policy. Instant Pot Mongolian Beef tastes even better than the one you would order at a restaurant. This is one meal that my husband asks me to make over and over again.
via Pocket
August 07, 2018 at 06:59AM
Tags: recipes
August 07, 2018 at 07:48AM
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Redditors who deleted your social media, a) what useful sites did you start visiting instead or b) what do you do in your free time, now? : antisocialmedia
Redditors who deleted your social media, a) what useful sites did you start visiting instead or b) what do you do in your free time, now? : antisocialmedia
Redditors who deleted your social media, a) what useful sites did you start visiting instead or b) what do you do in your free time, now?
Pinterest is fantastic for looking up recipes, learning more about your hobbies, style advice, DIY projects. I am very into makeup so I have been looking up more makeup tutorials on YouTube or YouTubing other things that interest me.
via Pocket
August 02, 2018 at 09:22PM
Tags: reddit, antisocialmedia
August 02, 2018 at 09:24PM
Taibbi: Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship ��� Rolling Stone
Taibbi: Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship – Rolling Stone
Taibbi: Beware the Slippery Slope of Facebook Censorship
You may have seen a story this week detailing how Facebook shut down a series of accounts.
via Pocket
August 02, 2018 at 09:04PM
Tags: social media, media, media control, antifacebook, fascism in action, anti-facebook, censorship
August 02, 2018 at 09:09PM
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
EDDI 3.0.1 final released : EliteDangerous
EDDI 3.0.1 final released : EliteDangerous
EDDI 3.0.1 final released
I'm pleased to announce that EDDI 3.0.1 final is now available here. Full change notes are here.
via Pocket
August 01, 2018 at 01:45PM
Tags: reddit, elitedangerous
August 01, 2018 at 01:53PM
Monday, 30 July 2018
John Oliver talks about Facebook : AntiFacebook
John Oliver talks about Facebook : AntiFacebook
John Oliver talks about Facebook
via Pocket
July 30, 2018 at 10:01PM
Tags: reddit, antifacebook
July 30, 2018 at 10:08PM
Friday, 27 July 2018
Unethical British Life Pro Tips Thread : CasualUK
Unethical British Life Pro Tips Thread : CasualUK
Unethical British Life Pro Tips Thread
Unethical but useful! When you get on a train and manage to secure four seats and a table all to your lovely self, you're probably inclined to look at anyone else coming towards you and thinking "piss off". This is a challenge to them.
via Pocket
July 26, 2018 at 11:42PM
Tags: reddit, casualuk
July 27, 2018 at 02:02AM
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
No-Bake PB Chocolate Coconut Bars : GifRecipes
No-Bake PB Chocolate Coconut Bars : GifRecipes
No-Bake PB Chocolate Coconut Bars
So calorie dense they should be meal replacement bars. Or emergency rations. Jinkies, I ran the ingredients through a calculator and got 5792 total calories. Divided into 16 two-inch squares like the recipe says means that each of the 2" x 2" bites are 362 calories.
via Pocket
July 25, 2018 at 07:22PM
Tags: reddit, gifrecipes
July 25, 2018 at 07:27PM
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
The realness : WhitePeopleTwitter
The realness : WhitePeopleTwitter
The realness
via Pocket
July 24, 2018 at 02:15PM
Tags: reddit, whitepeopletwitter
July 24, 2018 at 02:22PM
Saturday, 21 July 2018
You have 1 weeks notice before you forcibly time travel, with no way back. You will arrive (in the same physical location) on 1/1/1970, with absolutely nothing (nude). How do you prepare, and what do you do when you arrive? : AskReddit
You have 1 weeks notice before you forcibly time travel, with no way back. You will arrive (in the same physical location) on 1/1/1970, with absolutely nothing (nude). How do you prepare, and what do you do when you arrive? : AskReddit
r/AskReddit - You have 1 weeks notice before you forcibly time travel, with no way back. You will arrive (in the same physical location) on 1/1/1970, with absolutely nothing (nude). How do you prepare, and what do you do when you arrive?
One week... Research sports games, lottery drawings, stock prices, etc.
via Pocket
July 21, 2018 at 11:07AM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
July 21, 2018 at 11:31AM
Thursday, 19 July 2018
reddit: the front page of the internet
reddit: the front page of the internet
What are some things that used to be reserved for the poor, but are now seen as a luxury for the rich?
What are some things that used to be reserved for the poor, but are now seen as a luxury for the rich?
via Pocket
July 19, 2018 at 07:07PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
July 19, 2018 at 07:52PM
Phubbing: the war against anti-social phone use | Technology | The Guardian
Phubbing: the war against anti-social phone use | Technology | The Guardian
Phubbing: the war against anti-social phone use
Don't you just hate it when someone snubs you by looking at their phone instead of paying attention? The Stop Phubbing campaign group certainly does Age: A distinctly 21st-century problem. Appearance: A friend's face buried in a screen. What are we talking about? We're talking about phubbing.
via Pocket
July 19, 2018 at 07:06AM
July 19, 2018 at 07:07AM
Egypt to regulate popular social media users - BBC News
Egypt to regulate popular social media users - BBC News
Egypt to regulate popular social media users
Egypt's parliament has passed a controversial law that will allow the state to regulate social media users. Under the law, a personal social media account, blog or website with more than 5,000 followers could be considered a media outlet and subject to media law.
via Pocket
July 19, 2018 at 06:19AM
July 19, 2018 at 07:07AM
Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Why Joining The Anti-Social Media Movement Will Help You Discover More 'Me' Time
Why Joining The Anti-Social Media Movement Will Help You Discover More 'Me' Time
Why Joining The Anti-Social Media Movement Will Help You Discover More 'Me' Time
We're a nation pushed to the limit when it comes to time and having enough of it, and recent research has shown that the average Brit is going to extreme measures to combat their time-poor life.
via Pocket
July 17, 2018 at 07:25AM
Tags: social media, social media menace, social media history, anti-social media, me time
July 17, 2018 at 07:41AM
Monday, 16 July 2018
[Homemade] Sheetpan shrimp boil via the oven. : food
[Homemade] Sheetpan shrimp boil via the oven. : food
[Homemade] Sheetpan shrimp boil via the oven.
27[Homemade] Sheetpan shrimp boil via the oven.
via Pocket
July 16, 2018 at 09:06PM
Tags: reddit, food
July 16, 2018 at 09:41PM
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Data shows people want serious long-form content ��� and brands need to take note
Data shows people want serious long-form content — and brands need to take note
Data shows people want serious long-form content — and brands need to take note
You probably noticed the recent video that asked people whether they heard “Yanny” or “Laurel.” It would have been hard not to.
via Pocket
July 15, 2018 at 12:52PM
Tags: internet evolution
July 15, 2018 at 01:41PM
Monday, 2 July 2018
Bananas Foster Upside-Down Cake : GifRecipes
Bananas Foster Upside-Down Cake : GifRecipes
Bananas Foster Upside-Down Cake
It's dessert, but it's fruit, so it's good for you. I like to use lighter fluid instead of rum to give it that extra bang when I hit it with the match.
via Pocket
July 02, 2018 at 07:38PM
Tags: reddit, gifrecipes
July 02, 2018 at 09:19PM
Friday, 29 June 2018
Facebook Shadow Profiles - YouTube
Facebook Shadow Profiles - YouTube
How Facebook Collects Non-user Data
Start protecting yourself on the web at or use code ‘'CHMTECH'’ at checkout and save 77%! Facebook claims it’s not in the business of creating profiles for non-users, however it does collect a lot of their information. Collections of mostly off-platform information
via Pocket
June 29, 2018 at 07:20AM
Tags: social media, evil, facebook, fascism in action, government control, deletefacebook
June 29, 2018 at 08:46AM
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
What are your favourite creatures from UK folklore and urban legend? : CasualUK
What are your favourite creatures from UK folklore and urban legend? : CasualUK
What are your favourite creatures from UK folklore and urban legend?
I'm currently working on writing a British themed fantasy setting and have recently been looking for inspiration from creatures to inhabit the world. I've already got the standard Loch Ness Monster, fairies and dragons and am working on a couple of others like boggarts, brownies and asrai.
via Pocket
June 27, 2018 at 07:09AM
Tags: reddit, casualuk
June 27, 2018 at 08:46AM
Monday, 18 June 2018
We don't need new ships. We need new things to do in the ships we already have. : EliteDangerous
We don't need new ships. We need new things to do in the ships we already have. : EliteDangerous
We don't need new ships. We need new things to do in the ships we already have.
Everyone going crazy and excited about the chieftain v2.0 and possible Krait. Who the hell cares? Or rather, why do you all care? Is it really that much fun to own a new ship that does everything the same as any other ship? Give us something to do with the ships we have first.
via Pocket
June 18, 2018 at 11:48AM
Tags: reddit, elitedangerous
June 18, 2018 at 01:28PM
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Friday, 1 June 2018
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Activists hate them! One weird trick Facebook uses to fool people into accepting GDPR terms ��� The Register
Activists hate them! One weird trick Facebook uses to fool people into accepting GDPR terms • The Register
Activists hate them! One weird trick Facebook uses to fool people into accepting GDPR terms
Facebook has been accused of purposefully misleading netizens into accepting its GDPR-friendly privacy policy – by tricking them with fake notifications.
via Pocket
May 30, 2018 at 06:56PM
Tags: social media, evil, facebook, social media regulation, anti-facebook, deletefacebook
May 30, 2018 at 07:00PM
Saturday, 26 May 2018
Dungeons & Dragons: The revival of a 'geeky' pastime - BBC News
Dungeons & Dragons: The revival of a 'geeky' pastime - BBC News
Dungeons & Dragons: The revival of a 'geeky' pastime
The world of tabletop gaming was once the preserve of nervous teenage boys holed up in dark basements and bedrooms.
via Pocket
May 26, 2018 at 07:45PM
Tags: culture
May 26, 2018 at 07:51PM
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Saturday, 12 May 2018
Eurovision 2018: All the latest
Shock over stage invasion during SuRie's performance
Lucy Todd
Entertainment reporter in Lisbon
The reaction in the press room as someone tore on stage and ripped the microphone out of SuRie's was one of shock and disbelief.
The stage invader is thought to have said something like: “For the Nazis of the UK media, we demand freedom."
It left the British performer without a mic for around 20 seconds, before it was replaced.
She gamely carried on as the crowds in the stadium and the press room stood up to encourage and cheer her on. SuRie was visibly shaken at the end of the performance.
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Tags: facebook, social media menace, fascism in action
May 12, 2018 at 09:25PM
Friday, 11 May 2018
Facebook misses Brit MPs' deadline, promises answers on Monday ��� The Register
Facebook misses Brit MPs' deadline, promises answers on Monday • The Register
Facebook misses Brit MPs' deadline, promises answers on Monday
Facebook has told MPs on the the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Committee that it will have to finish the homework it's been set over the weekend.
via Pocket
May 11, 2018 at 09:28PM
Tags: social media, evil, antifacebook, anti-facebook, facebookfree, #deletefacebook, social media history, social media evolution
May 11, 2018 at 09:32PM
Monday, 7 May 2018
Chicken Soup in the Instant Pot : instantpot
Chicken Soup in the Instant Pot : instantpot
Chicken Soup in the Instant Pot
Chicken and veggie soup is one of my favorite comfort foods, I used to do this in the crockpot all the time but now it's even faster with an Instant Pot! This isn't anything fancy and doesn't have any crazy flavors, just some good old fashioned chicken soup.
via Pocket
May 07, 2018 at 07:18PM
Tags: reddit, instantpot
May 07, 2018 at 07:22PM
Sunday, 6 May 2018
Saturday, 5 May 2018
Friday, 4 May 2018
Progressive Media Outlets���Including This One���Decry Facebook's Plan to Act as Gatekeeper of "Trustworthy" News
Progressive Media Outlets—Including This One—Decry Facebook's Plan to Act as Gatekeeper of "Trustworthy" News
Progressive Media Outlets—Including This One—Decry Facebook's Plan to Act as Gatekeeper of "Trustworthy" News
Progressive and independent journalists are raising grave concerns this week about Facebook's plan to fashion itself as an arbiter of what news outlets should be deemed "trustworthy"—arguing that the social media giant's new proposal will punish non-corporate news sources and journalists offerin
via Pocket
May 04, 2018 at 08:20PM
Tags: social media, facebook, social media menace, facebookfree
May 04, 2018 at 08:23PM
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
reddit: the front page of the internet
reddit: the front page of the internet
Non-British people, what's something you want clarifying from our culture?
How much control does the royal family have? It's weird, the queen has to confirm the PM, has control of the military, can dispel parliament etc but in reality she doesn't exercise any of her power or control and most of what she does is symbolic. I.e.
via Pocket
May 02, 2018 at 09:52PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
May 02, 2018 at 10:04PM
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Against Facebook
Against Facebook
Against Facebook
On the commodification of attention, the abuses of unpaid microwork and strategies of resistance. Alarm goes off, time to wake up. Snooze alarm, and then repeat: check email, check Facebook, check Twitter, check Snapchat, rinse; repeat again; no new posts? Check again.
via Pocket
May 01, 2018 at 08:24PM
Tags: facebook, deletefacebook, social media realisation
May 01, 2018 at 08:24PM
The Rise and Fall of ���Boring Dystopia,��� the Anti-Facebook Facebook Group - Motherboard
The Rise and Fall of ‘Boring Dystopia,’ the Anti-Facebook Facebook Group - Motherboard
The Rise and Fall of ‘Boring Dystopia,’ the Anti-Facebook Facebook Group
At first glance, Boring Dystopia looked like a Facebook group for people who hated Facebook.
via Pocket
May 01, 2018 at 07:18AM
Tags: social media, society, dystopia
May 01, 2018 at 07:24AM
The 1 Graph That Shows That Facebook���s Epic Run Has Ended
The 1 Graph That Shows That Facebook’s Epic Run Has Ended
The 1 Graph That Shows That Facebook’s Epic Run Has Ended
I became the original Facebook bull on Wall Street after I published the first Wall Street style research report on Facebook on Tumblr in March of 2010.
via Pocket
May 01, 2018 at 07:09AM
Tags: social media, facebook, deletefacebook, decline, social media decline
May 01, 2018 at 07:24AM
Sunday, 29 April 2018
I'm a journalist who reports on war and conflict, from Iraq, Ukraine, Kurdistan and more. I believe journalism is in a crisis. AMA : IAmA
I'm a journalist who reports on war and conflict, from Iraq, Ukraine, Kurdistan and more. I believe journalism is in a crisis. AMA : IAmA
via Pocket
April 29, 2018 at 08:52AM
Tags: reddit, iama
April 29, 2018 at 08:54AM
Friday, 27 April 2018
Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites - BBC News
Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites - BBC News
Golden State Killer suspect traced using genealogy websites
Californian prosecutors say genealogy websites played a key role in tracking down a man accused of being a notorious serial killer. Joseph DeAngelo is suspected of being the so-called Golden State Killer, blamed for a spate of murders and rapes in the 1970s and 1980s.
via Pocket
April 27, 2018 at 01:17PM
Tags: sinister government, mass surveillence, databased society, dna
April 27, 2018 at 02:31PM
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Easy Churro Bites | Just a Taste
Easy Churro Bites | Just a Taste
Easy Churro Bites
Skip the freezer aisle and get dipping with this fast, fresh and crowd-friendly recipe for Easy Churro Bites. Churros and I have a storied history. One you may have read about way back in 2013, when I first shared a favorite churro recipe.
via Pocket
April 26, 2018 at 09:24AM
Tags: recipes
April 26, 2018 at 09:33AM
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
How Likes Went Bad ��� A Brief History of Attention ��� Medium
How Likes Went Bad – A Brief History of Attention – Medium
How Likes Went Bad
Facebook didn’t invent the feature, but they definitely broke it. How can we better regulate future disruptive ideas?
via Pocket
April 25, 2018 at 07:23PM
Tags: social media, facebook, internet evolution, b3ta, internet history, social media history
April 25, 2018 at 08:31PM
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Zuckerberg in DC exposes how little our governments understand where humanity is heading
Zuckerberg in DC exposes how little our governments understand where humanity is heading
Zuckerberg in DC exposes how little our governments understand where humanity is heading
Mark Zuckerberg has spent this week sitting in a giant hall having people who know nothing about the nuances of technology and the sphere the internet monetises itself telling him what he is doing is wrong.
via Pocket
April 12, 2018 at 09:55PM
Tags: facebook, internet evolution, internet regulation
April 12, 2018 at 10:02PM
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Too many words. Too confused. : dontdeadopeninside
Too many words. Too confused. : dontdeadopeninside
Too many words. Too confused.
That’s what I posted this too. Hungry, but slightly confused.
via Pocket
April 08, 2018 at 08:35AM
Tags: reddit, dontdeadopeninside
April 08, 2018 at 08:39AM
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
British Parenting (FIXED) : CasualUK
British Parenting (FIXED) : CasualUK
British Parenting (FIXED)
Yes, mate! Last night, I learnt my wife puts the milk in first. I went mental, she’s lucky im rather fond of her, anybody else making my brews this way would be getting glassed.
via Pocket
April 03, 2018 at 07:52AM
Tags: reddit, casualuk
April 03, 2018 at 07:55AM
Monday, 2 April 2018
What is your favorite subreddit? : AskReddit
What is your favorite subreddit? : AskReddit
What is your favorite subreddit?
Whatever game sub I'm playing at the time. So many delicious items to choose from.
via Pocket
April 02, 2018 at 10:47PM
Tags: reddit, askreddit
April 02, 2018 at 10:50PM
Sunday, 1 April 2018
ELI5 MKUltra : explainlikeimfive
ELI5 MKUltra : explainlikeimfive
ELI5 MKUltra
I know it was a confidential CIA project researching mind control, but is it truly proven? And how was it discovered? What did the experiments look like?
via Pocket
April 01, 2018 at 04:57PM
Tags: reddit, explainlikeimfive
April 01, 2018 at 05:00PM