Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Boxed – Mike Oldfield (#213)

Boxed - Mike Oldfield Boxed – Mike Oldfield

Boxed is a compilation of Oldfield’s early works in their entirety. Featured in this “Box set” compilation are:

Tubular Bells

Hergest Ridge


And a number of single projects such as Portsmouth and In Dulci Jubilo.

As all the original albums will feature in this project eventually, I’ll not dwell too long or go into too much detail on this album for fear of repeating myself.

Filed under: Mike Oldfield Tagged: Boxed, compilations, Hergest Ridge, Mike Oldfield, Ommadawn, Tubular Bells

Friday, 12 December 2014

Book of Kells – Iona (#210)

Book of Kells - IonaBook of Kells – Iona

New age floaty vaginary with added Christian connotations. Presumably to stop people descending into debauched pagan wizardry. Or taking up tofu wrestling. Or goji berry worship.

This album is not too bad. If you were to replace the awful Christianised lyrics with some sort of Lisa Gerrard-esque wailing, it would be nice as background music. Unfortunately, the frequent bible based lyrics make it embarrassingly unacceptable as social or seduction music. Unless you’re one of those weird religious types for whom “letting the spirit of God enter you” is a euphemism for nookie.

Filed under: Music Project

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Blue is the Colour – Beautiful South (#205)

Blue is the Colour - Beautiful South Blue is the Colour – Beautiful South

Another band I’ve been told I must like. Sorry. I don’t. I never have. Even when they were the Housemartins. Hated them. Sorry.

Why is it in my collection then? Well remember, I have acquired many albums over the years and when breakups occur, instead of having to divvy up the CD collection, you just copypasta the MP3 collection and everyone is happy, no?

Beautiful South though…no. Can’t understand the appeal. Musically they’re bland, formulaic and uninspiring. Lyrically, they’re nothing special. Maybe I just haven’t had the right tunes forced upon me. Not sure. Anyway, no. Not for me. Sorry.

I can’t even face finding a Youtube video for them either….

Filed under: Beautiful South Tagged: Beautiful South, Blue is the Colour, Bollocks is the sound

Friday, 5 December 2014

Blue Album – Weezer (#203)

Blue Album - Weezer Blue Album – Weezer

I first came across Weezer, like most people in the 1990s, after watching their video which was hidden on Windows 95. Buddy Holly was the song. Happy Days was the video. Ah, to see the Fonz doing his bit. Always brings a smile that does.

Filed under: Weezer Tagged: blue album, weezer